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Crystal Squid Support

Helping you to play games since 2003!


The download links do not work

Support Home > Download Game Help > The download links do not work

Firewall/Security programs...

Some firewall software, or other Internet Security programs may block downloads. You will need to refer to the instructions that come with your software to see how to enable downloads from this website. Most firewall programs will allow downloads by default, so this should not be a problem for the majority of users.

However, if you are having problems downloading software, then you can try temporarily disabling your firewall software & see if this helps.
WARNING: Always remember to re-activate your firewall!
Disabling a firewall/security program should only ever be done to TEST if that program is interfering with what you are trying to do.
DO NOT completely download anything or visit any other web pages while the firewall is disabled!
To narrow down the problem, try disabling just one thing at a time, and see if it makes a difference.
If it does not, turn it back on immediately and then try any other security programs you have running.

When you find the one that stops the download working, read the software instructions & visit the publishers website to see what settings you can change. You should aim to configure your software to allow you to do what you need safely!
Turning a firewall off every time you try to download something is very insecure, and with proper configuration it should be unnecesary. Spend the time getting to know your security software & browse safely!

Internet Explorer Users...

When you click on a Download link, you may get a small message appear at the top of the page:

Click this bar, and a small popup appears, just select 'Donwload File...' and the file should start to download.

You should then get a new window popping up that looks like this:

Check: The 'From' entry is either www.crystalsquid.com or d??.gamecentersolution.com

Click Run if you wish to install immediately...

Reccomended: Click Save to open a file browser window. This lets you choose where to store the installer file, which is useful if you need to re-install the game, or if you want to send a copy of the game to a friend.

Older browsers...

We use a PHP scripts to serve game files, rather than direct downloads links. This allows us to make sure you get the latest version of the game when you click the link. However, some browsers may not be able to download properly through this script.

We know that Internet Explorer v5.5 will not work unless you install Service Pack 2, and as this fixes a few security issues, it is a very good idea to do this anyway.

We have tested the site and links with the most recent major browsers and fixed any problems we found, but we may have missed something! If you still have problems please contact us!

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