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Crystal Squid Support

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I have corrupted/fickering graphics

Support Home > Download Game Help > I have corrupted/fickering graphics

As a general rule, graphics corruption is usually caused by a graphics card driver bug of one sort or another. Our games have been tested on a wide variety of graphics cards, and we are confident that the graphics should display fine, provided the drivers are up to date.

Please make sure you install the latest drivers from you video card manufacturer:

Working out what Graphics Card you have...

Not sure what graphics card you have & which driver to install? Well, we're here to help!

Step 1: Open 'My Computer -> Properties'...

Right click 'My Computer' icon, and select 'Properties'...

Right click on the My Computer icon on your desktop...

...and then click on Properties in the pop-up menu that appears.

This should open the System Properties window...

Step 2: Open the Device Manager window...

Click the 'Hardware' tab at the top, and then click on the button labelled 'Device Manager'...

Click the tab labelled Hardware at the top...

...and then press the button marked Device Manager.

Step 3: See what Graphics Card you have...

Click the small '+' marked Display Adapters to see your graphics card model...

You should now see a list of catagories in the Device Manager window.

Click on the small '+' symbol that is labelled Display Adapters...

This should open up and tell you the Make & Model Number of your graphics card.

In the example on the right:
     The MAKER is NVIDIA
     The MODEL is GeForce 7950 GT
Here are some links to the official websites of the major Graphics Card Manufacturers:
Just visit the site whose name matches the name you saw in the Device Manager window, then follow the steps to download & install the latest Graphics Card Driver

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